N&V Engineering Services
Navcon provides noise consulting and vibration consulting services in various fields.
Technical Training
Over 35 years Navcon has been offering training classes on Hands-On Modal Testing and Analysis Seminars, Validation and Updating of FE Models, Environmental Noise and SoundPLAN Software
Sales & Support
Navcon provides sales and support for various hardware and software solutions.

Discover our Noise and Vibration Consulting Services
Noise and Vibrations has a multitude of effects on our environment, society, product development, research, communication, planning and design. As part of modern civilizations standards and legal ruling have been developed and are continuously updated to set parameters for equipment limits, city, state or federal requirements. Let us help you with your noise and vibration consulting needs.
Noise Consulting Services
VIbration Consulting Services
(714) 441-3488
Technical Trainings
Navcon Engineering Network conducts seminars and workshops on a variety of noise and vibration related topics. Educating between 80 to 125 engineers and technicians per year, each training is custom tailored for the specific audience.